What books, podcasts, Instagram accounts, public figures, communities, meetings, resources, etc. have helped you to learn about addiction, care for yourself, and care for your loved one? Share them here!
Books, blogs, podcasts, IG accounts, meetings, resources - what has helped you?
Books have been a major healing tool for me. These aren’t all addiction/recovery specific, but they’ve all played a big part in my own recovery.
I read Clean by David Sheff when my husband was in early recovery and going into rehab. It really helped me learn more about addiction and different treatment options.
A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson helped me really look inward, let go of expectations, illusions, fear, and really helped me connects spiritually.
I read Beyond Addiction by Jeffrey Foote after my husband was already in long term recovery. I wish I had read it earlier. It went over a lot of communication skills that we had learned in couples therapy. Also goes into the CRAFT approach in helping our loved ones into treatment.
The Course of Love by Alain de Botton helped me look at my marriage differently, and really build compassion for my husband. I realized that we’re both just flawed human beings figuring out how to love ourselves, and making mistakes big and small along the way.
I got a copy of How Al-Anon Works at my first Al-Anon meeting. I finally picked it up weeks later, and after starting to read it I went to my second Al-Anon meeting. A lot of it resonated with me in a way that other books hadn’t.
Great question and I’m interested to hear what other resources people have found helpful!