Daily reminder to be kind - what kind thing have you said or done today!?



In an effort to continue bringing more evidence-based best practices into the community we’re re-booting our daily reminder to be kind here!

Simply respond with something you’ve said or done today to show your loved one you care for them and that they are worthy of living a life free from the grips of addiction.

Look forward to being inspired by your daily kindness and remember it’s never to late in the day to say or do something kind. Read through other’s for inspiration of what you might action today, and kindness to ourselves counts here too!


No matter how frustrated we might get with slow progress, closed ears or slip-ups, the power of a few kind words or a kind action daily can be a huge part of what helps a loved one keep striving for better health and happiness through the hard times.

To kick things off: today I made peanut butter toast and lay in bed longer to show support and care for him while he’s feeling under the weather.


I texted him a Martin Luther King quote to encourage him. IMG_20190121_180529_01|531x500 . Hope it shows up here.


Sadly our loved one has disappeared and is not in contact at the moment but I think about him and pray for him every day. I look forward to the day when we talk to him or see him so that we can tell him we love him.


I hope things turn around for you.


Ditto @Tryingtohelp - sending love to you and your family @rosebud <3


I love this! When my boyfriend and I started dating, he pushed me away in the beginning telling me that he was not worth it, he has done things that could never be forgiven, and that I deserved better than a loser like him. I told him I love him no matter what. I love him unconditionally and whatever he has done in the past does not define him. Just because someone makes mistakes does not mean they are a bad person, it just means they are human.

It has been a rough journey to say the least, but the love, kindness, and the absence of judging brought him back to me. He has been doing well for the past 18 months but we have been together for almost 3 years now and are looking to buy a home and start a family together.

I like to send him encouraging bible verses about unconditional love and message him how much I love and appreciate him. But today, I made him lunch so he didn’t need to spend the extra time in the morning to make a sandwich before work. :slight_smile:


Great reminder @Jane! Going to text my dad RIGHT NOW.


When my son is consumed by guilt because of how he treats me because of his addiction. I also remind him it’s the drugs and not him that treat his family badly. I tell him I know how special, beautiful, sensitive and wonderful he truly is.


I have not talked to my sister since New Years Eve and plan not to for a great, long time. She has reached out to my boyfriend for me to call her since I have her number blocked, but again, this late at night and I know she is drunk. I wished the situation were different, but it’s not.


Thanks for sharing @dbfbilly1 how do you feel with this current dynamic? <3


Last night after some real serious talk about budgeting and debt…
As I head to bed, I said “Just remember, you don’t have to finish the bottle of wine.”
He said: “I probably will.”
I said: “Yeah, but you don’t have to.”
And he came over and gave me a big hug and said “thank you.”
…it’s something that bugs me to no end (that he can’t just have one glass and leave the bottle when at home, which translates to not being able to stop when we’re out - which we less frequently are), but I’m trying to be chill about it because I know change and healing and healthy habits grow over time and that on all fronts he’s doing amazing.
So this morning when I wake up and see the bottle finished. I just let it go.


The other night New York reached absolutely freezing temperatures (around 15 degrees Fahrenheit) and I hadn’t talked to my mom in a bit, so I just reached out and sent her a simple text saying “Hope you are staying warm!” and she ended up responding really positively. We’ve had a tough past few weeks and she seemed really appreciative of me checking in with her as simply as that. She even opened up about how things are going for her at work, and I took that as a good sign.


I have not heard from my son in two weeks. My daughter is out of jail going into a sober living home. I tell her, I believe in her.


Told my husband how proud I am of him and of the progress he’s been making and that I just see him getting stronger and stronger each day / month / year and I love it.

He said that meant the world because nobody says that to him and he has to keep telling himself.

#toprogressoverperfection <3


Told my mom how proud of her I am for becoming an official employee of our town’s school district today! Super meaningful since she’s experienced some hiccups with her alcohol struggles recently. Love how you mentioned it’s all about progress, not perfection @Jane !!


Husband thanked me for being nice to him and not hassling him to get over his cold quickly. Didn’t even realize I was being kind then :wink: #bonuspoints


I think being kind to others is the most important thing we can do to show compassion. We recently took my son to dinner to celebrate his doing well for several months.


I’ve started sending my mom daily devotionals. I had bought her the same devotional I have so that she could feel connected in knowing we are reading the same thing every morning. Unfortunately she lost it, she is always on the move. But now I just send her a screenshot of it with the scriptures every morning. She told me she really likes it and it makes her very happy.


Love your ingenuity @carolzevallos! This is a great way to stay connected!


I told my bf I was doing the 10th step every night. I thought this would encourage him to be accountable of his actions as I would be doing the same. While I said it to inspire him, I must say it really helped me! To be able to look at what good has happened in the day and account for your own emotions is really helpful when dealing with a life with an addict. It puts you in a routine of self-care and I think practicing self-care is the most important thing you can show and tell an addict.