Giving thanks to you! And on that note, will you share a thing you're grateful for this year?



I just want to take a moment to share my, and We The Village, gratitude with you - the Village members <3

Thank you for every time you login to hold this safe space with us. For every like or support you give a post, every time you speak up and share an experience in support of another member - we know it’s not always easy to voice what we’re going through and for every question you ask drawing on the tough situations you are facing right now.

Our mission here is to break the stigma, help others like us step out of the dark, reaffirm we are not alone, and support one another in our journeys supporting a loved one through their addiction. We are right here beside you.

It’s not easy to stay positive every day that we’ll get there. But every time you login to the Village you are making it more and more attainable. And remember, this resource lives on for every one to come after us. Thank you for making each other’s journeys that much more informed, easier, confident and lighter.

It’s a brave journey to love someone through the chaos and destruction of addiction. And with research showing that connection is the opposite of addiction and with the archaic healthcare system failing families and ripe for disruption, our roles are vital here.

So thank you. For showing up. For not giving up. For taking care of your families and firstly you.
We are ever grateful for you.

Love to hear, what are you thankful for this year?



I am appreciative right now for this site… the emotions have been dealing with this week should have put me off the edge but I just keep going on reading other stories and know I’m not alone in this nightmare. Tonight my son phoned me crying by the time I got there he was unconscious and I had to call 911. He is on Suboxone but had taken some GHB because someone said it would help him sleep. He cannot be off any drug for a day. I’m so past the shame and the stigma - I just want him to find happiness. I know better to feel sorry for myself because no one must feel as bad as he does.


So glad you’re here with us @annac what a scary night. Your son is so lucky to have you. You are not alone in this, we’re right here beside you. Sending all the love tonight to you <3 <3 <3

I remember living in crisis mode constantly and to spread a little cheer, in my loved ones journey we’ve gotten to a good and safe place now. Still everyday we learn and recover a bit more. I just want to share some hope for that happiness you’re family is seeking for your son.

We don’t ask for this, but sharing the experiences we face can help others going through this too so please keep coming back and sharing with us.

There is no shame here. I promise we’ll always do whatever we can to make this a safe space and to push the boundaries to build a community that allows each of us to step out of the darkness so that others like us can see we are not alone too.

Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you get some rest and that your son is taken care of tonight <3



You are a really good mom @annac.

This sounds like such a scary night - I can’t imagine what this is like as a mom. I’m really relieved to hear that you were able to get there in time to help him & show him how much he is loved.

I, too, am appreciative of this Community. Reading other people stories and experiences, as well as sharing my own - with zero judgment! - is comforting. Standing with you today.


Thinking of you. Thank goodness you were there to help him. I hope you can rest tonight.


I’m grateful to be 3 years (post rehab) into the recovery journey - and that every month, even still(!!), he gets better, stronger, and continues developing coping skills. It’s been long and slow but it’s been worth it <3


Love this reminder @Jane! There is much to be grateful for…

  • The Village Community x 394757992
  • Being one of the lucky ones who gets to enjoy a holiday feast surrounded by family :turkey:
  • Amazing in-laws who love me and support my whole family - without condition
  • Rain in California (Lord knows this land needs some reprieve from the fires!)


This year, I’m extremely grateful for all of the people who have believed in me and shown me support during this very difficult year. Since losing my dad to suicide in 2017, my family has experienced a lot of hardships. My mom’s depression and bipolar spiraled out of control, until this summer when she got on a new medication. She became stable enough to return to working again after about 10 years of being unemployed.

This past year, I narrowed down more of my career plans and found mentors at my university who truly care about my wellbeing and believe in my psychology research. I’ve found a new home at Village, and I’m extremely grateful to @Jane and the Village bunch for being an amazing team to work with. I feel like together, along with all our new community members, we’re creating something really special. Each time I see someone in the community thanking someone else for their advice, my heart gets all warm and fuzzy.

I’m wishing you all the best holiday— and thank you all for making mine so special.


This year I am thankful for the gift of sobriety for my father. I am thankful for my relationship with my father. I am thankful for the love that fills me up every day, even when I’m not feeling like my best self. I believe I have hope. I have faith. But the most important is love, Love for myself and others. when all else fails LOVE remains.


love this @Angeladally <3 thanks for sharing!


I am so very grateful for the many sources of help that are out there for us, just for the asking! So, thank you for asking @erica


I am thankful for finally being able to work through my addiction of 20 years. I am thankful for those who loved me even when I didn’t love myself, I am thankful for the first time to be able to embrace joy, love and family. I am grateful to have a life I thought I lost back. I am thankful for this community and I am thankful for what the future holds in regards to helping our loved ones and ourselves work through our addictions and understand that life does get easier.

I think I am most thankful for that, the fact that a sober life is much easier than life as an addict.


I am grateful my beautiful friend Patty, has a land line, so my son can call me from prison.


:gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart: I am most grateful for having 23 years of sobriety. I am so grateful, too, for all the friends /angels who’ve helped me along my journey.

So glad to have ‘We The Village’ be a place where I can help others on their journeys too.


This year I’m so thankful for many things, and thanks for asking @Jane! When we face the ups and downs of loving someone who struggles with substance use, it can be SO HELPFUL to focus on what is going well in life so here goes:

  • The Village Community and EVERYONE involved
  • My brother being a rockstar as he hits 3 years off of heroin and fentanyl
  • My small, but incredibly loving and caring family
  • Everyone out there who has hope