I just want to take a moment to share my, and We The Village, gratitude with you - the Village members <3
Thank you for every time you login to hold this safe space with us. For every like or support you give a post, every time you speak up and share an experience in support of another member - we know it’s not always easy to voice what we’re going through and for every question you ask drawing on the tough situations you are facing right now.
Our mission here is to break the stigma, help others like us step out of the dark, reaffirm we are not alone, and support one another in our journeys supporting a loved one through their addiction. We are right here beside you.
It’s not easy to stay positive every day that we’ll get there. But every time you login to the Village you are making it more and more attainable. And remember, this resource lives on for every one to come after us. Thank you for making each other’s journeys that much more informed, easier, confident and lighter.
It’s a brave journey to love someone through the chaos and destruction of addiction. And with research showing that connection is the opposite of addiction and with the archaic healthcare system failing families and ripe for disruption, our roles are vital here.
So thank you. For showing up. For not giving up. For taking care of your families and firstly you.
We are ever grateful for you.
Love to hear, what are you thankful for this year?