What good podcast do y’all recommend for spouses to listen to about addiction and advice on how to get through it? There so many to choose from and it’s so overwhelming. Also I’ve been told going to Alan-non meetings help. The ones available where I live are at night and I have little ones at home so that won’t work. Have any of y’all done them virtually or on the phone? If so, what website and which one did you like better talking on the phone or virtual?
Good podcast to listen too? Alan-on online meetings?
The Recovery Show podcast. There are hundreds of episodes to chose from. I’ve found it so helpful as a go-to in between meetings when I’m feeling lots of feelings. I’ve done phone, zoom and in-person al-anon meetings. One thing that’s great about the zoom meetings is you can find them anywhere anytime around the globe! I’ve even found one for parents of young children which allows the understanding that the kids might pop in and out of the background. In-person is great to start building that local support. Hope you find meetings!
@Bballstar - hi- Dr. Nzynga Harrison has a podcast on Lemonada Media called IN RECOVERY- that is a great starting point for podcasts. I can center, calm, and focus by listening to a podcast.
You can drop in to different Al-Anon meetings until you find a group that zigs when you zig, and etc. The COURSE right here at we the Village is my recommendation for spouses and parents to learn how to communicate and gives both the energy of group learning an comfort with online meetings that are convenient. I enjoyed the meetings and learned a lot in a short time that was immediately applicable.
My Partners Addiction has given me some solid tools and ways of thinking to get me through rough patches. I feel like her approach complements the CRAFT approach well.
Hi @Bballstar! Have you seen this thread? It has a lot of great suggestions for podcasts. A couple of more that I can add are Boy Problems and Cross Talk. The latter is actually based off Al-Anon, with a lot of great discussion on the program. It’s basically an Al-Anon lead, but the hosts able to ask questions and discuss after (where in Al-Anon, there is no cross talk during meeting and discussion takes place outside of meetings with Al-Anon friends/sponsors).
Al-Anon can be very helpful for many people. I go to a meeting once a week and have found a community, faith, and strength through the program. There is an Al-Anon app that has virtual meetings that you can just drop into and listen. There are some members of my meeting who bring their small children and just put them on a device with headphones for an hour. I’ve also been to meetings where childcare is available. Find out if your local meeting offers any way for you to bring your kids!