I’m a Recovering Addict! The Roads Been Dark…Due to Addiction! I’m Now In The Process of Trying to Change My Life. Some Days it’s Harder Than Others…But I Still Manage To Pull Through! Sometimes It Harder For Me Because I Have No Support or Anyone on My Side! & NO One I can talk to if I NEED Help or Advise! Sometimes I feel like that THAT makes THINGS WORSE. I’m Hoping I can find the Support & info & people I can talk 2 if I need 2 here! Am I right in this thinking or should I find another group?
Hello I'm NEW Here. I'm Hoping This Group CAN HELP ME
Hi @SunShineM12
This site is designed for the friends and family members concerned about a loved one’s addiction. We built it this way because we hadn’t found a space for us to learn from one another how to support our loved ones through addiction. So we’re more designed to help those in your support network to better understand what you’re going through and how to help. You mention you’re pretty alone in this, I have noticed a theme of isolation around addiction and we do believe that connection is the opposite of addiction so we’d love to help you reconnect with your support network. Is there any one person you connect with in your life who wants to see you healthy? Would you consider inviting them here?
Still we’re glad to lend an ear and share support and cheer you on.
Sending all of the love your way right now.
This group is for family and friends of people with substance problems, but I think it might be just what you need. It’s a community growing to support each other. Hopefully you’ll find someone to talk to here.