How do I confront him about using again?



I’ve found evidence he’s using again, how do I lovingly confront this again?


I would say that just being honest about this evidence in a non-judgmental way and after discussing your findings, follow up with asking him if he would like to stop using. If he says he would, then ask if he wants any help with finding that help. If he says no, then just be sure to make clear that you will have no part in it but let him know that you are there for him when he decides he wants to stop. We didn’t allow our daughter to live in our home while she was using. We took her back a few times when she wanted to try to quit. When we found evidence that she was using again we let her know that we loved her very much and wanted her to be clean but had to stand by our rule for the safety of the rest of the family. She had to move out. It was so hard to do this, but I believe this played a part in her recovery. She missed that closeness our family had. She missed the activities we did together and the love. Eventually, she realized that we were serious and that’s when big changes started to happen. Relapse is part of recovery, but it doesn’t mean you let your guard down.
I wish you all the best!