How do you bring yourself back to empathy?



Raising this question after reading this article that @polly posted on this thread.

It says about the CRAFT model: "For the Duncans, the approach meant they could switch from enforcing family consequences, like kicking Jeff out of the house, to supporting him as he faced other challenges, like losing a job because of his drug use.”

They make the switch sound so easy.

I’m curious to know: when you’re at your “wits end” - so frustrated and fed up - how do you bring yourself back to empathy?


For me it’s time. When I get (so) frustrated I just need to step away for a bit and come back with more clarity and calm.


The best way I’ve learned to bring myself back to empathy is by sharing what is on my mind with anyone in my support system: family, close friends, friends I’ve made on my own journey who are going through similar struggles, and my therapist!

Similar to @Jane, this requires stepping back from the situation and getting perspective.


Thanks for sharing @Jane and @erica. Sometimes it feels like I’ve moved so far into frustration that even when I “come back,” I have a hard time accessing an empathetic or sympathetic response for my dad. Maybe I just need a little more time!

And you’re right, @erica - sharing honestly with my support system will definitely help. I probably need to branch out from sharing with my husband, because his frustration might be feeding mine.