The bigger question is - how do you find mental health resources for your loved one which are covered by state insurance? Also, most rehab’s don’t seem to identify the mental health piece with addiction so when you mention both - it is considered a dual-diagnosis and then the stakes get harder to get them help as the beds/help are much more limited.
How do you find mental health resources (for your loved one) which are covered by state insurance?
Good question! Here is a good resource for treatment options, including state funded facilities - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMSHA) –
SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness in America’s communities. The website is full of information about drugs of abuse, treatment options (evidenced-based), and mental and physical health issues. They also have a treatment finder that is helpful for looking into programs in other parts of the country - 1
Hope this helps a bit
HI Erica,
Thank you for responding, I do appreciate it. Though, I did contact this site a few years ago for further info and help. It was pretty useless sadly, the links weren’t always working and/or they couldn’t help since he was on state insurance. Some links also, the info given there weren’t any resources in the area.
Again, sadly for the addicts on state insurance their resources/help is quite limited. The attitude I was given wasn’t pleasant and it pretty much made me feel like he was below their expertise, now of course if I could afford private pay insurance it’s a different story. He’s 37 so I can’t cover him on my insurance either.