My college friend Franklin is always smoking marijuana and I want advice on how to confront him in a better manner about my concern. He smokes multiple times a day and I believe it is getting in the way of him having a productive life. Franklin is incredibly smart, attended a fantastic college, and is a great writer. However, despite this, he has only had one real job in his life and I feel his marijuana use is holding him back from realizing his whole potential. It almost seems that he lacks self confidence in how to move forward with life and falls back on smoking as a crutch.**
I’ve tried to address his smoking before, but he always dismisses my arguments because I’ve personally never smoked and he believes it doesn’t have an adverse impact on health or functioning. His family is also accepting of his smoking as well as many of our mutual friends, but I know he’d be better off not smoking.**
Do you have any tips on how I should address my concerns since he has dismissed them before?**