Hello, I just found this community, and hoping it can be helpful. This June, everything came to a head with my partner as he detoxed severely and ended up in the hospital before finally committing to enter rehab (he’s been a 20+ year drinker and this is the first time he’s ever considered rehab). He’s been home now for a month, and most days are good. But there have been a couple “blips” as we call them. Nothing to the extent of when he was drinking heavily, but a beer here or a glass of wine with coworkers. Sometimes I feel like he’s on the right track and is determined to overcome his addiction, and other times he seems to not care and wishes he were still dealing.
I know this is all normal in the course of recovery, but emotionally it takes a toll on me to see him go up and down. It causes me to worry that one blip leads to lots of blips and we’ll be right back where we started. Most of the time I get angry at him for this. He knows how hard his addiction and behavior has been on me, and yet the cavalier attitude makes my blood boil. Has anyone else dealt with the ambivalence toward recovery? What got you through the blips so that you could stay encouraging and helpful? I know my anger toward him doesn’t make any of it easier on either of us.