Everybody knows it, he is the only one who seems not to realize that he has a problem. I am sorry if it turns to be too long, I’ll write as I feel it, I think I just need to vent but mostly I think I’m just trying to get out of my own addiction of trying to help people who don’t want help themselves.
He is a veteran, was in the Marines on infantry, I’m proud of him for that, but it brought a lot of baggage as well. He has PTSD, manic depression, a broken big toe, migraines, back pain, joint pain, pain on his knees and a lot of other stuff that I don’t even know, the VA gives free medication and free therapy but he refuses to go and even lie about his feelings so they won’t think is so bad. After he came out of the marines he used to drink every day, he would go to work and go back home and drink, every single day until he was drunk, he got weight and that’s what kind made him stop, he moved to NJ for school and there’s where we met. Since I met him I knew he had a problem with drinking, when he drinks too much he tend to get aggressive and wanna fight, doesn’t matter with whom. We had a lot of fights because of his drinking. Sometimes he just leaves the house and just shows up the next day.
Anyways, we moved back to his hometown because of his daughter, he started to work in the oilfield, he decided to help his friend and told him to move him, and I hate his friend, he is just the kind of guy who doesn’t care about having any responsibility, used to travel around the country on the back of trains… anyways, he was in a bad position, lost his job, went to rehab because he used heavy drugs and my husband wanted to help, guess he changed it to alcohol, now my husband is doing the same and has been drinking every day, getting hammered drunk, is starting to affect his job, he lost one job at 5am on Friday because they both were too drunk to wake up, then yesterday they knew they were about to go on days on again but drank the entire day, he disappeared for 2 hrs and his job started to call his work phone and he almost missed another job because of that… I’m very upset and worried, his mom is worried he is gonna end up in jail or gonna die or lose his job, he already have DUIs, there’s been a year and half that he doesn’t drive because of that, lost his nice car because of that, everybody knows he has a problem but he is the only one who doesn’t realize it and thinks when I try to say something I’m trying to control him, when I’m just worried about how he is taking his life.
I’m about to be in a position where I’m just gonna wait for my papers since I’m an immigrant and I’ll disappear from his life, I’m too young and can’t take this anymore.