Is a 6-pack a night a problem?



How much is too much? My husband has a new habit, (almost) every night a black bag with a 6-pack inside…


Do you feel it is? Is he different when he drinks? Is it affecting your relationship? If any of these are yes then I totally feel that it is. But only you can truly answer that. Some people can drink 6 a night and be the same person they are without the beer. It’s probably not the healthiest to drink that much though.


This does seem a lot. For most males I know, that is a lot of beer to just be drinking on a day to day basis. I think by any standard ‘alcoholic’ test, it would be a problem? I read this online:

“For a man, 15 or more drinks a week puts you at high risk of developing an addiction. Anyone who has five or more drinks every time they drink, at least once a week, is also at risk of becoming a beer addict.”

Have you spoken to him about it - it’s probably worth raising? Also, he will put on a lot of weight!


This varies per person. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 1 drink per day for women and two per day for men. It’s important to look at how the 6-pack per night is impacting one’s life. Does it have a negative effect on their social life? Work life? Personal relationships? Activities of daily living? Do they need to have the 6-pack due to tolerance or could they give or take a few? There are tons of questions to consider when asking if this could be a problem. But generally, if the use is impacting anything negatively it’s worth looking at the behavior more closely!