Mini-Meditations- little children



That is the definition of life with small children. It hardly seems possible that you can get time for yourself. One idea that comes to mind are Mini-Meditations.

Identify 4 super repetitive times in your day- like when you’re changing a diaper, waiting at a stoplight, folding clothes, stirring soup, waiting in a drive-thru lane… and dedicate that time to some positive affirmation for yourself.

At the Stoplight: I’m doing OK right now. I’ve got what it takes to take care of my children. I’m stable and safe. I proceed with caution because I’m moving with others.
Folding Clothes: Now is the moment. It’s all I’ve got. I’ve folded these shirts before, and I’ll do it again.

etc. etc., can you add some other suggestions?

How to balance self care and being encouraging to recovering spouse while handling the aftermath of addiction?

Every now and then I go down the rabbit hole. When I do I close my eyes take five deep breaths and count backwards from five. 5 4 3 2 1… And then I think of a completely new thought. Something that I love to do (which is being involved with my horses), and I sit quietly and picture myself spending time and having fun enjoying something that I love to do. I don’t know why but the deep breathing and counting backwards from 5 just seems to give my mind a reset. Actually, I think I learned about this technique on a TED talk that I watched on YouTube.


I"m going to give it a try. Thanks, @Zealand6868. That’s helpful to me.
@PeerGroup3, @PeerGroup4, @PeerGroup5, @PeerGroup6

Can you suggest other mini-mediations to help each other claim some calm?

Photo by Ameen Fahmy on Unsplash