I’ve come to a whits end. I don’t know what to do. My loved one is opposed to ‘total abstinence’. When I first met him he was in drug court and was 100% open about his meth use. He had a slip up here and there and probably had about 10 a year (usually after rehab or stressful situations). My friends are appalled when I tell them that, but honestly it’s like less than once a month. So 25 times in our relationship.
Recently, he’s gotten off probation and has been sober and working his own recovery program for about two weeks. Then around Christmas he got high once, then twice… Then he had a 5 day bender from New Years until last night.
I sat him down to talk last night, I knew he was high but not THAT high. Anyways, the conversation went in circles, I just want some confirmation that he’s going to be working on his program seriously. After about 2 hours we finally came to a conclusion. When he gets his job he’s going to be trying to stay clean and get high once a month (I know that’s not how addiction work, but it’s a good theory and I know he can do it).
Anyways, he woke up and didn’t remember ANYTHING! On top of that he was angry and confused when I brought it up.
Am I completely crazy to be thinking planned uses is going to work?