Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 10/3/18


What’s your current state of mind? Wins, Worries, this is the place to freely share what’s on your mind this week. We’d love to hear it!

You never know who might need to hear what you’ve got to say today.


Husband had a rough day yesterday and had a few drinks to cope with it. I appreciated that he told me on the phone before I came home and that he felt bad about it / acknowledged it wasn’t the most adaptive way to deal with it.

Though this coping mechanism is one I hope continues to get minimized over time, I’m really proud of how he is coping in general with a really tough time and a lot of uncertainty in work and life right now.


My son just moved back to the US after living abroad for over 15 years - he had a job and apartment set up with a friend. Less than 24 hours after getting to New York his friend who starting using fentanyl again (unbeknownst to us) became erratic and kicked my son out of the apartment. My entire family was in a panic - my husband and I agreed he couldn’t live with us. So our daughter stepped in and allowed him to stay with her for a few days.

Initially I was completely in shock and wanted to run away from it all, but by Monday we had all calmed down, and we let him come stay with us (with strict boundaries)! It has turned out to be wonderful as I see how well he is doing and I’ve realized the fears I had when he lived at home years and years ago have lifted, and he has truly changed. So what started as a worry is now a win for me this week!


This week has been a DOOZY! I’ve been coming face to face with some internal stuff and it’s been both exciting and exhausting!

the message that has come up that you may find helpful is this -


Try to keep it positive folks - I know some days are harder than others. <3 and (((hugs)))


My son has had a rough time finding a job, and get’s really down on himself about it. It’s been a constant worry of mine as I get older, but he currently has a job and has never seemed more motivated to succeed. Today I’m proud of how far he has come and that I have been able to see him actually work hard to get to a good place.


I’ve said this to myself and my husband often - just do the next right thing. Then the next :slight_smile: