Share your Weekly Wins & Worries - 9/12/18


What’s your current state of mind? Wins, Worries, this is the place to freely share what’s on your mind this week. We’d love to hear it!

You never know who might need to hear what you’ve got to say today.


This week my husband has been on planning ahead and telling me to hurry to be on time to everything. I love seeing him have the awareness and calm to do this and to watch him practice new habits that make him feel good - like being on time. So simple but so sweet.

His body has also begun to reject alcohol so he’s mostly not drinking.


For the first time ever my brother has put together a plan for his career, and mapped out all the steps to get to where he wants to be! He shared this with me and we were both very excited. It felt amazing to see him so motivated to achieve his goals!


I am celebrating myself for respecting my own boundaries this week!

Knowing when to say ‘no’ to conversations with my dad - they can be so self-centered & exhausting! - so I can show up with more enthusiasm when I say ‘yes!’

(Saying ‘no’ isn’t always verbal. Sometimes it can mean, for me, choosing to not pick up the phone every time it rings, or setting it on silent after certain hours.)
