This Q&A Community is still young, so we’re inviting you to share any and all feedback / reactions so far. Promise that our feelings won’t be hurt - our mission is to create something useful to Friends and Families like us, who love someone struggling with addiction and want to help.
This is for you, so we want to hear it all. What’s great? What’s missing? Any suggestions of what would make this more helpful / useful for you in your particular situation?
What would make Village Community Q&A something you would share with friends and others going through a similar journey?
Things we’ve heard so far - “the account creation process was a little tricky” and “I appreciate a positive, supportive site that emphasizes compassionate and persistent contact to encourage a road to recovery.”
And if you’d prefer to be in touch 1:1 simply private message me and I’d love to chat.
I also welcome a chat on the phone - time can be scheduled here:
As always, thank you for helping us help more!