What’s your current state of mind? Wins, Worries, this is the place to freely share what’s on your mind this week. We’d love to hear it! Remember - if you’ve got a question, share it separately to the group as a question post so we can help crowd-source the best answers!
Weekly Wins & Worries 7/18/18
My weekly win: my husband talking through the circumstances that led up to his slip up and the details around it - helps me feel back on the same page.
My weekly win is sticking to scheduled FaceTime calls with my brother and dedicating significant time to make each other laugh despite any chaos happening in our lives!
My worry this week is that my son got a vehicle a few days ago. He was previously without one because each time he has one and a job ( money) he wrecks it because he makes bad decisions and ends up using again. I’m really hoping this time will be different but worried that it won’t be.