I found a simple way to cope with my “mom anxiety” which gets out of control at times, especially at holidays. Here’s how it starts: I latch on to the tiniest things (mainly if I expected to hear from my son and did not), and the worry just magnifies from there. I’ve had sleepless nights, high adrenaline, racing heart, over worries that are often complete fantasies. Yes, I have a son with a serious addiction issue. But I’ve had to confront my own anxiety, which has been part of my life as long as I can remember, and which comes up out of habit more than anything else. I’ve recently changed jobs, and I have so much anxiety with that too, that I somehow won’t measure up!
With regard to worries over my son, I imagined, what if — what if my own mother had worried about me like that when I was 24 (and married and in my own household)? It would have been ridiculous. First, worry without action doesn’t help make a situation any better, it just causes me to suffer. Second, I have my own life to live - I would have wanted my mom to focus on her own life, not waste time and energy brooding about her adult child.
Then I remembered the Harry Potter spell “Riddikulus!” to banish ghostly Boggarts. Now, I imagine waving my wand and saying “Riddikulus!” to cast out my worries and fears when they arise. This has proven to be so simple, and effective, because it’s also silly - just like my false fears are.