I just found out recently that there’s a group in my downtown area that meets up every Sunday and cleans up needles, houses where people go to use, they hand out meals to homeless and struggling people who are addicted and offer sources to get treatment and help. Apparently they’ve been around for alittle while and they’ve cleaned thousands and thousands of needles and given out thousands of meals to people and I wonder, How am I just hearing about this now?? Why aren’t efforts like these getting more media attention in the local area? I ended applying to volunteer with them and will start soon. I ask though, what volunteer efforts are available in your areas? Are they getting enough positive attention to help fight against the stigma of addiction?
What volunteer efforts are available in your areas?
I love this @Dean_Acton. I actually don’t know what’s opportunities like this exist in Sacramento - embarrassingly, it could be that I haven’t looked and/or they’re not well promoted. I’m going to look into it and will report back! (Please check in on me if I forget… )
How did you find out about the group @Dean_Acton? I’m looking for ways to serve but I don’t really know how to get started.
Wow that is great. What city is this in? In San Antonio we have a one stop place for those struggling with homelessness that is a national model, Haven for Hope. I hear that there are SA police who are trained to help those on the street with substance abuse or mental health issues as well. Our food bank is also outstanding. Nonetheless, homelessness and substance abuse are definitely problems that aren’t always priorities here and all over.
I actually met the women who runs it at a coffee shop I work at. We got to talking and I friended her on Facebook and got on their Facebook page. If I didn’t make her coffee that day, idk if I would have found out about it