What’s your current state of mind? Wins, Worries, this is the place to freely share what’s on your mind this week. We’d love to hear it!
And remember, you never know how your share might help this week!
What’s your current state of mind? Wins, Worries, this is the place to freely share what’s on your mind this week. We’d love to hear it!
And remember, you never know how your share might help this week!
Last night my husband told me he that this week he is going to work on his sleep habits…more specifically not drinking a bottle of wine to fall asleep. He’s going to go to the gym once a week.
He told me he wanted to tell me this so that I know and I can support him to go to the gym, and asked that I give him a week to try on his own and then we can talk in a week’s time to see how it’s going.
This is a major win. I love not having to initiate a turn-around. Though I really want to tell him all the ways to fix his bad sleeping habits. I managed to (mostly) restrain myself and respect his wishes.
Wins: that i’m doing great in classes (university), husband has been alcohol free for at least 3 weeks now, and things have gone great between us so far. Also he is going to counseling still and reading a book the counselor recommended. I’m getting my first counseling appointment tomorrow.
Worries: I sometimes “get the feeling” that he is drinking again and lying to me again. I try not to get anxious when I’m not home besides him since I cannot “see” what he is doing (I’m working on that feeling). I get anxious sometimes when I go to sleep.
@jfh I know that feeling all too well. Whenever my mom begins texting me seemingly random things, it’s usually a sign that she’s drinking. It can definitely keep me up at night, but I try to reach out to friends for support when something happens. Recently I’ve tried to put more effort into having a consistent bedtime routine, and it’s worked wonders for my sleep. When you get home, try not to change into comfy clothes or wash your face etc until you know you’re about to sleep. When you do these things before bed consistently over time, it will remind your body (through classical conditioning!) that it’s bedtime, and you will become tired more easily. Something that’s also helped me is to make a hot drink at night (caffeine-free tea) and put some lavender essential oil on my pillow. Best wishes <3
I have not given in to call or text my sister and her number is still blocked. I know this sounds harsh, but I have tried for years and years to be there for her and as the relationship goes on, it’s extremely abusive behavior towards me and not healthy for me.
I have been taking better care of myself, especially when I start feeling down. I am still amazed at how much pain I feel from “losing” my sister to alchohol.