What wins and worries are on your mind this week? [2.26.20-3.03.20]



Over the mid-month-point in February kicking, how’s it treating you? What’s your current state of mind? Wins, Worries, this is the place to freely share what’s on your mind this week. We’d love to hear it!

And remember, you never know how your share might help this week!


WIN: Spent time with a friend at her farm. Lot of time checking pregnant cows and bottle feeding babies. Mostly catching up on Netflix inbetween chores cause it was so damn cold and it snowed.

“Boyfriend” on new antidepressant. Says he likes it a lot more… haven’t seen him since the 17th. Told him I’d support him but not enable or collaborate on his recovery right now.

WORRY: Afraid of him slipping because of his isolation. Afraid my state of mind will never change. I’m kind of being forced to get a new therapist after just a few good sessions with a new one. Still no job despite interviews and applications. Even going through job placement companies. Worried about how things my never change…


Win: Feeling excited about some big changes (hopefully) happening this month as we get ready to sell our house and make plans for the future.

Worry: We’re selling our house and planning to move across the country, so that’s stressful. I’m also trying to be optimistic and hopeful for the future without getting too tied to a specific outcome, which is tough. Just working toward our goals while being open to whatever might happen. Letting go of expectations is something I’ve had to learn through the recovery process, and I’m grateful for it. But it’s haaaaaard. :tired_face:


Hi @ejane - how are you doing today? I hope your weekend was nice. Spending time with a friend on her farm sounds like the perfect way to reset. Are you able to visit there often?

Your worries sound familiar. I’ve often felt very stuck, like nothing was ever going to change. It took a while, a few small wins, before I was able to see progress. And even then, slow progress. But progress. Sometimes that stuck feeling has made me feel helpless, powerless. I try to remember what I do have the power to change. Can we control our loved one’s slips? No. Can we control our own state of mind? Yes. Gratitude helps. Fresh air, visits with friends. You’re getting there. Sending love. Here’s to a good start to the week. :pray::sparkles: