What wins and worries are on your mind this week? [5.8.19-5.15.19]


What’s your current state of mind? Wins, Worries, this is the place to freely share what’s on your mind this week. We’d love to hear it!

And remember, you never know how your share might help this week!


A big win for me this week is continuing to begin my days with my higher power (mine happens to be God) and end my days with my higher power. I meditate to listen to God, and I pray to talk to God, twice daily. In doing so I realize that I can manage any daily situation that I am confronted with. My worries still include my character defects and flaws that I work daily to remove in order to be the type of man my higher power intended for me to be, and to not hurt my family and loved ones as I did while in active addiction.


With addiction or without we always have that voice in our head to work with, and it’s not always the nicest so love your win here <3 thanks for sharing!


Big win :slight_smile: is watching my husband make decisions that prioritize his health. As much as I want him to have enough energy to do everything his heart desires, I love seeing him choose to opt out of an after work social gathering when he knows he’s spent all his energy already.


Win: I’ve been learning to enjoy hobbies on my own and not feel like I have to live my entire life/schedule around my addicted loved one. I’ve been enjoying my new job and getting close to finishing graduate school so I’ve been feeling really productive.

Worry: My boyfriend is a recovering heroin/opiate addict and he just started a suboxone program and although I am happy he is trying something new to maintain his recovery it’s been really hard on our relationship. He has been isolating himself from me and it’s difficult for me to watch because I feel like he’s not himself. He’s feeling every side effect possible and his mood has been extremely low.


Update: husband stayed home and drank a bottle of wine on his own and couldn’t get out of bed today, disappointing me at 4pm when we were supposed to be leaving to meet up to do a planned date-night activity.

Does anyone else’s loved one’s just take themselves out of the game like this? It weirdly happens when we have things booked I’m looking forward to or expecting him to show up for… :thinking:


@Selfcare31 thanks for sharing!

I’ve been learning to enjoy hobbies on my own and not feel like I have to live my entire life/schedule around my addicted loved one.

I know this moment well and it’s a big one, good for you <3

Sending love for weathering the beginning of the new program - I’ve heard really good things about suboxone for heroin/opiate recovery!


BIG Win: My partner has been in IOP for a little over 2 months now. He relapsed once since then and now is about 33 days clean. This morning, out of the blue, he looked over at me and said “Thank you for helping me go to treatment. I wouldn’t have gone if it weren’t for you.” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks @Jane your quick and encouraging responses help me so much!

