Dad is getting out of his in-patient program soon. They suggest we go through his house and flush any alcohol/pills before he returns home. Where are the weirdest places you’ve found your loved one hiding their stuff? Any tips for where I should check?
Where are the weirdest places you've found your loved one hiding their stuff?
The weirdest place for me - falling out on the floor! Or sitting right in his bag.
The places that reveal stuff when I’m not snooping!
I’ve never been able to find my husband’s stash. He was generally wayyyyy too sneaky.
Great and important question!
If there is a change in weather happening, check old clothing: jackets, pockets in all clothing, zippered areas, regular medicine bottles (to see if there’s anything non prescribed in them), bags - including my bags (yes, I have found my brother’s very old drugs in my own purses), suitcases…I could go on. I’ve brought this up in the past with my brother and clients and it’s always good to try and be prepared as possible.
In addition, do your best to talk with your loved one about what would happen if they happened to find something in the house unexpected upon their return and work together on a plan!
Such a good question with so many informative answers! Our loved ones can surely get very creative.
I remember once my dad hid a bottle of liquor in one of the loose ceiling boards in our bathroom. At that point, he surrendered and called himself “crazy” for doing that.
I’ve also caught my mom hiding empty wine bottles in suitcases in her bedroom.
I always feel a mixture of a compulsion to bring it up but also fear of things escalating, especially with my younger siblings present. It’s a hard subject I still struggle with every now and then.
This is exactly where we found a lot of dad’s pills. Kind of scary to find lots of mixed, unidentified pills in Advil or unlabeled prescription bottles (and pretty satisfying to flush them down the toilet before dad came home).
It’s certainly a hard conversation to have and hard to find that right time, keep an eye open for windows that might be conducive to hearing your concern <3
Or if there are other family members or friends better positioned to bring it up that might be a useful option too.