Hello everyone ,
I’m new here & to be honest it’s a little overwhelmingly amazing to see so much support . I came across this site as I have been tirelessly searching for help…
I am very unsure where to go from this place in my life ?
Any help would be appreciated. Here is a bit about my story and why I’m seeking help through the Village(tears)
My husband is a cocaine addict and last night he relapsed.
We have been married for barely over a year , together for 6 years . We are in our late 20’s no kids and both work full time .
Previous to meeting I knew he struggled with Cocaine in the past but he had been clean for 10 years!
So that side of him I never really knew until 1 year into marriage he confessed he had relapsed and been using off and on. We talked and worked it out but we never really followed through with counseling , rehab or marital counsel either as he had agreed to.Things just “seemed” to be getting better and we put the “incident “ behind us , but this is where I went wrong … I should’ve sought for more resources & I just don’t know where to go and who to seek help from or where to get it . IM just stuck … i have never had a drug addiction affect my life before and with it being my spouse who I love so much .
He is very kind, respectful and works a good job … I don’t know the signs but although I’m starting to catch on to his triggers and depression and his dark moods that give me a gut feeling he may relapse.
I don’t have family to go to as they would tell me to leave him , I am not ready to give up or remove myself yet until he seeks help.
8 months have gone by previously of bliss and good times since he relapsed last night , he came home from a Christmas work party which he immediately confessed to relapsing when I probed his timing of things didn’t add up.
I’m upset I feel betrayed and I feel that I’m at fault and I feel so lost .
I want to save my marriage and get my husband the help he needs … I’m not pushing him but he also is on board for getting help…
A part of me wants to separate until he gets help and apart of me doesn’t want to leave him on his own .
It’s hard because I’m fearful of a relapse and I’m fearful of the future . I want him to be better but I also won’t stand by after many relapsing… it’s just too heartbreaking.
How and where do we start on this journey to recovery ? Where can he go & where can our marriage seek help for addicted spouses ?
Anything helps