My girlfriend’s in rehab for 30 Days Court order and I don’t know how many days for Detox but she anyway she has a addiction to fentanyl/heroin and crack and spent one week since I’ve heard from her last week. I’ve heard from her was on Tuesday. Does it mean the relationship is over??? Last conversation was“I love you!! Please don’t think I don’t care cause I do! “ we will be 4 months in a relationship March 17, 2024. I’m scared deep down I feel strong connection with her I never had a long-term relationship I’ve had Short term lines, and I never felt like this with any other woman I feel strong connection She makes me happy and I get butterflies in my stomach when I talk to her. We share the same pain which they call trauma bonding because we both lost our fathers and when I shared in my IOP Group with all that to side That’s what they told me as a trauma bonding, but what really drew me to her it was her personality and characteristics also, we the have same interest in music, TVs , movies!! This is the longest relationship I ever had… please help me!!!
~ David
Does it mean the relationship is over if I haven’t heard from my girlfriend in about a week and Rehab and if I Don’t hear from her until she comes out of rehab or in Rehab in general does it mean the relationship is over?
Hi @ddave23 - thanks for sharing here. How are things going today? It’s great to hear your loved one is getting the help she needs! But I know this is still really tough, and it makes total sense that you’re feeling scared and uncertain. Not hearing from her must be so hard, especially when your connection feels this strong. But silence doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is over. Right now, she’s in the thick of detox and rehab, and a lot of programs limit communication so people can focus on recovery.
Her last message to you—telling you she loves you and cares—sounds like she meant to reassure you before stepping into something really difficult.
I know the waiting and the not knowing is brutal. But the best thing you can do right now is take care of you . Lean on your support system, do things that help you feel okay, and try to give her space to do what she needs to do. What’s something you can do for yourself today?
When she gets out, things might not look exactly the same, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be good. It’s just a process.
Your feelings for her are real. And no matter what happens, you’re going to be okay. You’re not alone in this.