For Partners/Spouses

About the For Partners/Spouses category (1)
Does it mean the relationship is over if I haven’t heard from my girlfriend in about a week and Rehab and if I Don’t hear from her until she comes out of rehab or in Rehab in general does it mean the relationship is over? (2)
I must be broken. Please help comfort and provide words of wisdom (7)
Girlfriend hasn’t reached out yet (3)
Meth Addict Spouse- convinced im in porn and cheating...? (12)
If he wants comforting and coddling when he’s hungover do you give it? (5)
My girlfriend is ignoring me after rehab (10)
Do I tell my children I am going to al-anon and why? (18)
Why does someone change from wanting to be with you and then not overnight (3)
Spouse of 18 years is a bad binge drinker and horrible man when he does it (5)
Wife went to sober living and has completely shut me out of her life6 (6)
1st post: my wife enters rehab this Saturday. What should I expect? (7)
My fiance basically my wife the only woman I've loved has a year in rehab (6)
Why does my husband earnestly believe I cheated on him? (2)
Being supportive while your husband is in rehab while processing all of the feelings and resentment (6)
How can I best support my partner when he completes inpatient rehabilitation? (2)
Girlfriend in recovery (3)
Resentment for spouse (5)
I’m so confused (2)
Why is she not calling (2)
When my fiance went to rehab it destroyed us! Anyone else experience this? (2)
How long before a loved one can contact you in a live in rehabilitation center (2)
How to stay married when husband relapses and battling his disease? (6)
How to Understand and Manage Lack Of Communication After Girlfriend Returns From Rehab? (3)
How can I deal with the uncertainty of my boyfriend being in rehab? (5)
Boyfriend is in rehab for 6 months (2)
I'm a 20 year old wife trying ti support my husband in a behavioral hospital (4)
How do I explain addiction to our 8 year old daughter? (2)
Advice on dealing with anger at the results of addiction for me? (6)
Marital Support: I'm looking for guidance (2)