My bf agreed to come to my apartment for detox after a 3 week relapse. He lost his job and this triggered this setback but he had a lot of years of clean time and was previously very diligent about his meds, drs appts, gym time, friendships , routine. This is why i have not lost all hope. I do not, however, know what i need to do or what to expect or how to be truly helpful.
He’s here this weekend in my house, brought the bare minimum of sweatpants. It’s a clean, controlled environmental. He isnt sick yet but he is a bit out of it. Sleepy.
Tomorrow we have an intake appt for MAT/suboxone. Hoping to get a long term treatment plan that include meds,therapy,etc
I feel very scared and alone. Im trying to take it a minute at a time. I know recovery is a process. I also feel like an idiot and like im going to lose him and he’s going to shut me out.
Being here is one part of how im getting supoort. Any advice/thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.