
About the TREATMENT Category (1)
Husband home from rehab and isn’t “in love” with me anymore. Found out he cheated (9)
Boyfriend in Rehab (19)
How often do new groups start? (3)
Can a relationship survive during and after rehab? (9)
Worried about temptation of affairs in rehab (7)
How do stay positive while my husband is in rehab? (16)
Do you know anyone who has tried the Affect app? (5)
Free Online Screening of "Clean Slate" May 14th- Recovery in Film! (2)
Your thoughts on vivitrol? (13)
What do you think about "interventions" ( 2 ) (32)
Experience with long-term suboxone use? (4)
In what ways have you tried to get your loved one into treatment? ( 2 3 ) (52)
Does anyone have any experience with post-rehab home plans or agreements concerning your loved one returning home after rehab? (5)
I need advise please (3)
I’m a wreck just need advice (9)
Thoughts / experience with ibogaine therapy for drug addiction? (7)
Why is my boyfriend behaving this way? (4)
Should I be concerned about cheating in rehab? (7)
Any guidance. New to this, lost, confused, want to support (3)
How do I help after a detox? (4)
Ghosting by my GF (4)
Wife in rehab, emotions all over the place (2)
Cheating anxiety (2)
My husband is about to go to rehab for 5 months - how to cope with negative feelings? (5)
Dealing with relationship uncertainty in rehab? (19)
Girlfriend not talking to me in rehab (3)
EMDR Therapy - what's your experience? (7)
Anyone heard of the Sinclair method? (5)
Who needs to know that my husband is in rehab? (4)