We’ve been married for years and my husband was an addict 10 or so years before we got married. It was never on the table when we were getting married, always seemed like a thing of the past. He got clean and had been living sober for years. Recently things started sneaking in- new addictions to pills, alcohol or weed. He had outpatient treatment for a time, just to please his family and , but that didn’t stick. He knows he has an issue and is trying to change, except without medical help. I can’t make him sign up for supervision but I’m also on this roller coaster. He’s trying to detox alone, without the proper medical care he just goes nuts and finds his substance of choice just to get through. He goes through a period of tough detox (couple days) and begs & pleads with me to “let him” get what he wants. Immediately after taking what he wanted we have a couple “good days” til his supply runs out and we are on the roller coaster again.
He’s trying to get clean but won’t push through the discomfort and won’t go get professional care. I feel stuck on the roller coaster with him. I’m thankful he’s not hiding it and threatening to leave doesn’t work. Tough love makes him shut me out. Any advice?