My husband has just recently entered into a 30 day (or possibly more) program to get help for pill addiction. What started off as treating back pain, soon became an opiate addiction introducing benzos into the mix when opiates couldn’t be obtained…
Long story short, he has a greedy, vindictive ex wife who shares custody of their 13 y/o. Me, being the step-parent was alerted to the 13 y/o having some concerns about “daddy” acting weird sometimes… it was shared that “daddy” has some back pain and is not taking his medication at the right time (well NO Kidding right!?) Anyway, wanting to be honest without being too open, but more-so wanting to protect their relationship for when HE can actually discuss with the child about the situation. I don’t want the information from the child to be misconstrued to the ex-wife/mother, but also do NOT want to give the ex-wife/mother ANY ammunition to be used against him.
Struggling with the fact that he needs to face the reality of his actions and accept whatever the ex-wife does (or can do legally) but also protecting my step-child’s relationship with him due to the fact that the ex-wife/mother already takes every opportunity to bad talk him to the child.
Any advice? Thoughts? Suggestions?