My husband just got out of rehab.
He relapsed about 3 days after we got back into town. He said “relapse is apart of recovery” which is understandable.
But then, it turned into active addiction again and he is getting mad when I set boundaries (which is simply him following through with what he said he was going to do, go to AA, go the gym, etc)
He has already gave the dealer my car, has left the house for more than 24 hours multiple times.
When he actually does come home I ask him about going to treatment again, moving, etc. he agrees and tells me he wants to do better. The following morning I ask him about it again, he says he doesn’t want to do that stuff anymore, but also states that he wants to do better.
Today I wouldn’t take him to the crack dealers house to get his things and he found a way to her house anyways and hasn’t been home.
This is not me bashing him in any way, I love him BUT I don’t know what else to do.