I am a recovering addict. I mostly just used while in the relationship with my ex. I just ended thing for the OMG I don’t even know how many times. He ended up using again. One night he has an all out tantrum when I just began telling him what I hear him saying like the psychology of actually listening kicked in. He threw something against the wall. Yelled wanted it to be over. Anyway I’m glad. I’m free. But after I was crying 8 hours from my family or anyone else I knew, and thought how do I detox a person? How do you detox a person?
On and off relationship for too long - how do we detox from a person?
Unfortunately my partner is a meth addict and I can’t get him to go get clean. It’s his choice. And I’m sure you understand that, it’s impossible for us to sober up another person. I’d go through some of his pain to help. But it’s ultimately his choice, we are on a break. He told me he “has to be firm that we are over”. But we both know that’s what he tells me while he goes out and gets high for a week or two until he misses me.
Anyways, while he’s high I have to take care of myself. I took up a pottery class two years ago. I go to a swim team two or three times a week. It’s a great way for me to be forced to socialize and exercise.
Ask yourself what things you’ve been wishing you could do with your free time, and do it!!! This is your life make it the life you want.
Thank you for sharing @huckjb13 so smart
Anyways, while he’s high I have to take care of myself. I took up a pottery class two years ago. I go to a swim team two or three times a week. It’s a great way for me to be forced to socialize and exercise.
Ask yourself what things you’ve been wishing you could do with your free time, and do it!!! This is your life make it the life you want.
@Lobee123 thank you for sharing, it can be so painful to love someone who continues to hurt themselves with harmful substance use. Just wanting to clarify here - are you saying ‘how do we detox from a relationship with a person’ or more literally ‘how do we help someone to detox’?
or both?
Detox the person. Like it’s just been on and off again so much I still have love in there, but my heart’s done. My hopes done. My son is more important. So I guess just naturally detoxed unknowingly
Its hard especially if both of you are either active in addiction or active in working your sobriety. Most addicts or recovering addicts have told me they had to walk away because it brings up the old haunts tipping the scale to wanting to use. My relationship for the past year had been the same my partner was sober for 17 months and then decided he wanted to drink again but knew it was a deal breaker so he moved our daughter and I out and from there he went on a downward spiral of active using 6 months after using everyday, banging anything that walked and lying to them as well.as running thousands of dollars up on credit driving him to detox/hospital multiple times (hisgf at the time didnt know he was an alcoholic until she showed up at the hospital and the nurse let the cat outta the bag so she walked away because she had been down the road before with her exhusband and he blantently lied to her) he played the I want my family back which foolishly I fell for…reality was he had nobody(his sister and father cut him off totally just weeks after moving us out)and was going to lose his condo and car (foolish me)…so i let him come back needless to say it got worse he ended up being charged for drunk in public then he went away to detox for a bit met a 13th step hid it well for awhile but then said he was going through PAWS so he checked into a motel but came home to see our daughter and I to tell is about AA and that he was doing better and would be home later that night after he played crib with a guy from AA…surprise he didnt come home i took our daughter to daycare went to work tried calling multiple times and then had to take our daughter to dr where i saw his car at the motel (he drove a Benz and it was at a shady motel so it stood out) so I stopped and then caught him with the girl from detox…so rightfully I kicked him out wouldnt let him come home (especially after she Facebook messaged me) he ended up back at detoxHe stayed his 6 days told me he got into a 31 day program up there and less then a week later full fledge back to active alcoholisim and this girl. It got so bad that police had taken him to the hospital twice he was placed under a psych hold came home from the hospital started drinking yet again…again he was told to leave he begged to stay till the program started and the deal was he had to get rid of the girl and he sleeps on the couch…he couldnt do it so again I kicked him out with police assistance. A few day later hee called from detox to tell.me he was ok) because he was still in active addiction and even resorted to using coke again while staying at a buddies and was upset i was so cold. Needless to say he was allowed to come home on weekends which I allowed because he was sober and because of our daughter but then one of the weekends he chose not to come home because again he was with the same girl in a motel up there (he confessed to this much later after he came home when I pushed on it). Long story short came home from treatment beginning of October and moved out again within a month ended up in an accident with suspended license (was 4x legal limit only knew because rehab girl facebooked me to see if I knew where he was or hurt) police called me to ask about his meds to bring them to station. He moved back in with me 152 days ago…I know I’m crazy right!!! So far hes sober but hey who knows all I know is when I put in healthy simple boundaries he lost his mind (no alcohol no girl) but those boundaries have not waved but loving detachment/detox from a relationship is hard and though I say if it happens again this time that’s it for him and I; I cant guarantee it but the best suggestion I can give is BOUNDARIES BOUNDARIES BOUNDARIES (though calling the kettle black) you’re worth so much more then you give yourself credit for and need to do you and bleep everyone else. My friends and family and even his family think on outta my mind but for me this is the last straw because I need to protect myself and our daughter who is to young to protect herself.