My bf is currently in a treatment program where he takes a daily methadone dose. We have been dating for about 9 months, he has been in treatment there a little over 2 years. About 6 months ago he got a DUI and lost his license. I have since been giving him rides daily to the clinic. He was staying with me but now has to stay in another town about 15 min away. This morning and tomorrow I am going to take him early before I work. Is there a point where I should put my foot down and demand he find another way to get there? Should I always be willing to help him get his dose so he doesn’t go into withdrawal?
He is staying with his family now but might get an apartment soon and it might be in another town (different from where I live, where he lives now, and where the clinic is) but that is really all up in the air so it is kind of a sensitive and stressful topic for both of us to consider.