He apparently drank today while I was out, and lost it on the kids (they are mine, not his biologically). My 4 year old was in a complete panicked state when I got home, hyperventilating and crying. He does tend to exaggerate or make up details he can’t quite remember or put into words (he’s 4 after all!), but his back was hurt from apparently being thrown against the wall, and he said he was punched. My 6yo wasn’t in the room when it happens, so he couldn’t tel me any details. He has no marks on him, and seems fine now (mentally as well thank god.)
After I found all this out, my fiancé got home and was still drunk, so I didn’t bring it up with him then, but I will definitely be talking to him about it tomorrow when he sobers up… we are supposed to be getting married on Friday.
He has never been physical with me or the kids before, and aside from driving drunk a few times, he’s never put anyone in danger, as far as I know.
What I want to know is: is this it? Is there ever any way of coming back from this? I feel like i’ll Never leave my kids with him again, and I’m so scared of what comes next.