When my fiance went to rehab it destroyed us! Anyone else experience this?


After reading all these questions and emotions of good people trying to help their loved ones I just wanted to explain exactly what happened to me! The rehab had posted days and hours for “family visitation,” “family counseling meetings,” and more in the lobby. The person in there has to ask for those and none of them do because they are too busy having “free time” with their “sober friends” and trading smokes, clothes, snacks and sex with them to care what you’re going through! They let each other listen to their calls with family and laugh at what you’re going through while they are in there high on prescription drugs and doing whatever they want to! She had me bringing her stuff twice a day until one of the staff followed me out to my car and admitted as much! It’s sad but their minds are broken and rehab makes it worse in my opinion. She came out and went to hang out with all those addicts every chance she got abandoning me and HER 3 kids! She stole everything I had and shoplifted in every store she went in to so she could give all her rehab friends things she made them believe she was buying for them! I could go on and on! They tried to get her to stay another 45 days after her first 48 and her folks and I said okay if you want us to put the kids up for adoption! REHAB MADE ALL OUR LIFES WORSE!!! God bless you all and I hope much, much better for all of you! Thank the lord after 4 months out I ran like hell and every other day she’s calling and tracking me down no matter where I go!


Hi @Rehabscams - I’m so sorry to hear you and your family had a bad experience with your loved one’s rehab. I’ve definitely heard some negative experiences. I think it really does depend on the rehab and the people who work there. It can be so tough to find a place that you can trust though! I remember researching rehab facilities when my husband was in active addiction, and I had no idea what I was even looking for. Plus just trying to find a place within the small window when he would actually agree to go, and a place that would even have a bed available! It’s frustrating for sure. Rehab can be helpful (or unhelpful), but I feel like what’s even more important is setting up a safe space for our loved ones in recovery to heal and grow after rehab. Because unfortunately just because someone goes to rehab doesn’t mean they come home and everything is all better.