I met my boyfriend around the beginning of COVID. When I met him, he admitted to me that he used cocaine and of course he is mixing it with alcohol. He had been doing it since 2012/2013. We stopped talking for a little then got really close and built a big connection through the phone, cause we couldn’t see each other in person. He was deep into his addiction and I actually had to stop talking to him because he would blow up my phone, ask me for money for food, and just be ridiculous. He eventually got an OUI and didn’t have a car for awhile. They had one, then his mom sectioned him in August of 2020. He came out around October 2020. He jumped into a relationship that failed and the we started dating.
Fast forward to December 2020, he reached out to me and I was so happy. Things were good for about to two weeks and he was giving me signs that he used because I could tell his by his texts and his slurred words on the phone. So he slipped up there, then I think another time for a whole weekend with his cousin but I put blinders on and I was okay. He moved in the end of January. Things were good but I had never been with an addict and I’ve never been with someone who wanted me so much and I needed space.
He went to live with his best friend in CT for awhile. While having to take pop up drug tests and everything. He came back on my birthday in the middle of March. From that point on it’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs. Every week he would be getting high. He would recuperate and detox then go back to doing it less than a week later. Then he was sober for about a month and a half and went back doing it all over again.
The one rule of him moving in with me was him continuing his sobriety and staying on the right path. I kept lying to his family and my family about his addiction and telling them he’s sober when he wasn’t. My last straw, my breaking point was this past Monday. I told him he needed to leave and he couldn’t be in the house with drugs and my mom was noticing things. I was yelling when I shouldn’t have been, in his face. I sat in the bed for a break because my back was hurting. He kicked me in my chest and then tried choking me because I was showing him that it wasn’t okay.
He likes playing victim. I’m 25, I live with my mom to help pay bills. So my mom found out and made me get a restraining order. A no contact order. I feel like I’ve made a big mistake because I want him back in my life. The order is affective till September of 2022. Did I make the wrong choice? Is he my right person wrong time? I love him. I truly love him. He became my person and I became his. I cant throw almost two years down the drain.