Why does someone change from wanting to be with you and then not overnight


My boyfriend of 2 years went to rehab over a month ago. I have never been in addiction. I have stood by him. But he started arguing with me when he was on pills and meth everyday. Being demanding and mean. He went to rehab he told me this whole time he loved me and wanted to work it out. Then suddenly he blames me for everything and says he can’t ve with someone one-sided and started being distant to me. Just like flipping a light switch. Why does that happen overnight. I have love and supported him and he says stuff that didn’t happen. The relationship has always been about him. Does he really believe the stuff he says. What makes a person change over night. Then I stood by him when no one else did. But everyone else is more important then me. He would rather make a stranger happy then me.


going through the same but more seasoned I’ve been married for 12 years and my husband is an on and off again meth addict and it has to do with using and the come down phase for instance after he uses he has delusions that ive done horrible things to him and wont sleep for three days then he sleeps for two days and then hes back to himself a bit and were able to discuss things its become a predictable pattern. if i were you id do reading on meth and the come down stage and try and set a time line that coensides with his drug use. dont take anything too personally when they come down wnd sleep most of the time they know its not true.


@Raccoon4724 We often hear from people that it feels like their loved one has been hijacked by drugs. I’ve definitely felt that way, too. Like the person you know and love is replaced by what can only be described as a demon. And it can be like flipping a light switch, just like you said, when the addiction takes over. It’s absolutely frustrating and heartbreaking.

I like what @Sadpanda suggests - learn what you can about the effects of meth, and also try not take things too personally, although I know that can be tough. @Sadpanda - do you recommend any books, articles, or resources that have helped you in learning about meth use?

On a lighter note, I love how both of your usernames include cute animals - raccoons and pandas! :raccoon::panda_face:

How are you both doing today?