Spouse Meth Addiction [Mental Health] (3)
What to do when the addict My Son tells me , “you don’t love me are you would let me live with you and my girlfriend can come too. “ [For Parents] (4)
Worried about My Fiance Going to Rehab and Cheating [For Partners/Spouses] (3)
What do I say to my husband who went on a two day relapse binge after an argument we had about the dry drunk behaviors towards me? [Recovery] (2)
I quit my job to focus on mental health and school. My partner is upset. Did I do the right thing? [For Partners/Spouses] (1)
What should I do? [For Partners/Spouses] (2)
Mental Health - resources and conversations [Resources] (2)
Cheating in Rehab [General Discussion] (2)
Meth Addict Spouse- convinced im in porn and cheating...? [For Partners/Spouses] (1)
Relapse from Meth on Day 43 out of recovery [For Partners/Spouses] (1)