For Partners/Spouses

Why would my bf leave 5 months into recovery? (4)
Being supportive while your husband is in rehab while processing all of the feelings and resentment (5)
Husband just entered rehab. How do I do this? (9)
Recently discovered relapse ( 2 3 ) (51)
Has anyone had a spouse or significant other here that has been addicted to Meth? ( 2 3 ) (44)
My girlfriend is ignoring me after rehab (8)
Friend is judging after hearing of husbands od and subsequent recovery (5)
How to cope with bad past memories? (8)
Am I moving on from my loved one? (4)
I feel like my relationship is getting worse again, my husband is 60 days sober… (3)
Boundaries hurt me more than him. Does setting boundaries always cause more pain and regret? (7)
Another relapse - thinking about asking him to leave. Any thoughts? (9)
I have no idea what to do now (3)
Going back to pre recovery relationship (2)
Sleeping alone- how to motivate change (13)
Boundaries and consequences (2)
My partner is using again.. what are the best next steps? (2)
Being blamed for everything. I give up (6)
How to deal with feeling judged for my husband’s addiction? (3)
How to support what feels a endless cycle of recovery with relapse - does it ever get better? (4)
How should I prepare for when my boyfriend comes home from rehab? ( 2 ) (21)
What will I do as I found out my partner slept with an escort and he now in rehab and I'm heartbroken (3)
Relapse help with my loved one (3)
Frustrated with his lack of ambition to move his life forward. Is this normal? (2)
Have I stopped loving him or is this a phase? (3)
Anxiety & suspicion continues months after rehab (7)
How to move forward from infedelitiy (3)
I walked away, was I wrong? ( 2 ) (27)
How to move on and let go (6)
What should I do when he's not loving me the way I should be? (7)